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Quote: 21; Rating: 38; [+|-]
<DTails> "i see disconnected people"
Quote: 2; Rating: 20; [+|-]
<don_will> did u love sw anymore?
* n00bie slaps don_will
<don_will> ohh. c'mon tell me..
<don_will> yes or no?
<n00bie> i'll love her till i die
<n00bie> :]
<don_will> thanks
<n00bie> :">
Quote: 7; Rating: 11; [+|-]
<iSi> What would i have to add to cs_operonlyregister.cs to limit it to services admins only ?
<@katsklaw> iSi, where did you get the module?
<iSi> off the website
<@katsklaw> well duh .. which site? .. there is only 300billion of them on the internet
* @katsklaw can see this is like pulling teeth ...
<@katsklaw> old site?
<@katsklaw> new ste?
<@katsklaw> be specific
Quote: 25; Rating: 108; [+|-]
* katsklaw shakes his head and walks off
* Muad_Dibber shakes his ass and walks after katsklaw
Quote: 14; Rating: 7; [+|-]
<%Jobe> [21:15:21] < Code> I need somethign simple for n00bs <- then an IRC server of any kind isnt for you
< Code> >:(
< Code> I configed the file for unreal
< Code> but anope is hard
Quote: 16; Rating: 28; [+|-]
<&Vash> i just dropped my cell phone on my crotch
<~katsklaw> I hope it's not on vibrate
Quote: 18; Rating: 26; [+|-]
Tom - "Are you using networking cable to pull the sled?"
Dave - "Yea, it's only 10baseT, but it should be fast enough."
Quote: 3; Rating: 70; [+|-]
<Tom65789> i fell asleep on the toilet last night >.<
<Tom65789> was asleep for a whole 4 hours
Quote: 8; Rating: 30; [+|-]
<Jobe> even viagra couldnt keep ME up
<Jobe> that was supposed to be Windows ME
Quote: 19; Rating: 2; [+|-]
<@Jobe> found another bug in anopequotes
<@Jobe> all fixed though
<@n00bie> Jobe, anopequotes is missing the pagination :(
* @Jobe was kicked by n00bie (FAIL!)
<@n00bie> ^^
* @Jobe joins #unrealircd
<@Jobe> damn you n00bie
<@n00bie> lmao
Total Quotes: 28; Pending Quotes 5. Rows: 15; Queries: 15; Top.
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