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Quote: 24; Rating: 145; [+|-]
<@Certus> I like pussy
< Trystan> why we are we not surprised
Quote: 25; Rating: 108; [+|-]
* katsklaw shakes his head and walks off
* Muad_Dibber shakes his ass and walks after katsklaw
Quote: 1; Rating: 99; [+|-]
<n00bie> can you say something for bash quotes ? :P
<don_will> yes
<n00bie> ok that will do it.. lol
Quote: 3; Rating: 70; [+|-]
<Tom65789> i fell asleep on the toilet last night >.<
<Tom65789> was asleep for a whole 4 hours
Quote: 15; Rating: 65; [+|-]
<katsklaw> so what are you wanting in a shell and how much do you think is fair for it?
<Vash> a blow job from a dollar whore, and a kitten?
<katsklaw> wrong type of account bitch ;P
Quote: 20; Rating: 47; [+|-]
<chaz> I can't believe im being outsmarted by a cronjob.
Quote: 17; Rating: 43; [+|-]
[^Kitty^] I'm easy, really :(
Quote: 26; Rating: 42; [+|-]
[(katsklaw@ircd):~]: make sense
make: don't know how to make sense. Stop
Quote: 28; Rating: 40; [+|-]
<~Tidus> good job
<~Tidus> i can't believe i just said that
* ~Tidus washes tongue with soup
Quote: 12; Rating: 39; [+|-]
«Viper&» and what exactly is your problem when linking anope to plexus ?
«JaC» well
«JaC» hm
«JaC» 1 sec
«epinephrine» the suspense is killing me
Total Quotes: 28; Pending Quotes 5. Rows: 15; Queries: 15; Top.
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