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Quote: 5; Rating: -27; [+|-]
* Joins: Finland (
<Finland> Viper n00bie
<Finland> Because no you do not breed the /bostserv request?...... Equal the hostserv request!
<Finland> The botserv request he should be only one optimal creation!
<+Viper> uh?
<Jobe-Away> :O
* Jobe-Away thinks that's through a translator/mutilator
<+Viper> lol
<Jobe-Away> hai Viper
<+Viper> i breed ?
<Jobe-Away> you do?
<Jobe-Away> does your partner know?
<+Viper> lol he said so
<+Viper> no :p
<Jobe-Away> and there's a /bostserv request command in Anope?
<Jobe-Away> :S
<+Viper> not to my knowledge
<Jobe-Away> would be a nice module to allow requests for additional bots
<+Viper> dang!
<Jobe-Away> but a good network would reject most on the grounds of unneccesary
<Jobe-Away> ;)
<+Viper> did you have to say that ? :p
<Jobe-Away> why? you tempted to code a module like that?
* Jobe-Away is now known as Jobe
* Botox sets mode: +h Jobe
<+Viper> lol i shouldn't
<+Viper> but then again it might be more usefull then playing minesweeper ;)
<%Jobe> true
Quote: 6; Rating: -21; [+|-]
* ChanServ sets mode: +qo n00bie n00bie
<Section_25> whoa... it didnt give you a ~
<@n00bie> yeah, the ~& prefix is disabled her
<@n00bie> *here
<Section_25> ic
<Section_25> i dont wanna disable that... i like ppl to know my powers
<Section_25> lol
<@n00bie> hehe
<+don_will> hehe
Quote: 23; Rating: -14; [+|-]
< Trystan> Trystan can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 6 times. <---- all that poking is getting me some where
Quote: 11; Rating: -4; [+|-]
<heinz> i never thought i'd say this, but rules :|
*** heinz is now h|afk|dontbotherme|etc
Quote: 4; Rating: 0; [+|-]
<+n00bie> is anyone ddos'ing the anope site :( can't get through
<Viper> shows you how a module should be coded though.. clean style :)
<Viper> though some might not like the fact i use tabs intead of spaces ^^
<strawberrie_smuckerz> yeah i admit it
<strawberrie_smuckerz> i'm ddosing it
<strawberrie_smuckerz> had some core routers i wasn't doing anything with
<strawberrie_smuckerz> and i was bored
<L3TH4L> no excuse for being a packet kiddy
<L3TH4L> emphasis on kiddy
<strawberrie_smuckerz> rofl
Quote: 19; Rating: 2; [+|-]
<@Jobe> found another bug in anopequotes
<@Jobe> all fixed though
<@n00bie> Jobe, anopequotes is missing the pagination :(
* @Jobe was kicked by n00bie (FAIL!)
<@n00bie> ^^
* @Jobe joins #unrealircd
<@Jobe> damn you n00bie
<@n00bie> lmao
Quote: 14; Rating: 7; [+|-]
<%Jobe> [21:15:21] < Code> I need somethign simple for n00bs <- then an IRC server of any kind isnt for you
< Code> >:(
< Code> I configed the file for unreal
< Code> but anope is hard
Quote: 13; Rating: 10; [+|-]
<@katsklaw> Jobe if you are still free, I need to be serviced too ;P
<%Jobe> bend over and prepare yourself then
Quote: 27; Rating: 11; [+|-]
<Fudge> no problem
<Jobe> no problem?
<Jobe> <- problem
Quote: 7; Rating: 11; [+|-]
<iSi> What would i have to add to cs_operonlyregister.cs to limit it to services admins only ?
<@katsklaw> iSi, where did you get the module?
<iSi> off the website
<@katsklaw> well duh .. which site? .. there is only 300billion of them on the internet
* @katsklaw can see this is like pulling teeth ...
<@katsklaw> old site?
<@katsklaw> new ste?
<@katsklaw> be specific
Total Quotes: 28; Pending Quotes 5. Rows: 15; Queries: 15; Top.
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