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Quote: 5; Rating: -27; [+|-]
* Joins: Finland (
<Finland> Viper n00bie
<Finland> Because no you do not breed the /bostserv request?...... Equal the hostserv request!
<Finland> The botserv request he should be only one optimal creation!
<+Viper> uh?
<Jobe-Away> :O
* Jobe-Away thinks that's through a translator/mutilator
<+Viper> lol
<Jobe-Away> hai Viper
<+Viper> i breed ?
<Jobe-Away> you do?
<Jobe-Away> does your partner know?
<+Viper> lol he said so
<+Viper> no :p
<Jobe-Away> and there's a /bostserv request command in Anope?
<Jobe-Away> :S
<+Viper> not to my knowledge
<Jobe-Away> would be a nice module to allow requests for additional bots
<+Viper> dang!
<Jobe-Away> but a good network would reject most on the grounds of unneccesary
<Jobe-Away> ;)
<+Viper> did you have to say that ? :p
<Jobe-Away> why? you tempted to code a module like that?
* Jobe-Away is now known as Jobe
* Botox sets mode: +h Jobe
<+Viper> lol i shouldn't
<+Viper> but then again it might be more usefull then playing minesweeper ;)
<%Jobe> true
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